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Timmi - Hippity Hop Non Stop Part1

Timmi's right sneaker was stolen at school by some mean girlfriends. Now after the school, she must hop home with one shoe and desperately tries to keep socked foot off the ground and the dirt. Timmi hops over the schoolyard and out to the road - she needs to hold on to fences and balances her socked foot on her big toe sometimes she also uses to "push off" a little bit when she hops. After a long time of hopping, she is completely exhausted and needs a short rest. So she sits down somewhere, removes her one sneaker and massages her poor left foot which is tired from all the hopping. Then the sneaker comes on again.. and she tip-toe gimps the rest of her way home, because she cannot hop any longer. She finally reaches her house and hops up the stairs to her apartment holding her socked foot behind. She finally hops into her apartment.

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