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Christa’s bandaged housework

Custom script:

Christa is looking sexy in a summer dress, with make-up, coloured nails, etc. We see long and close-up shots of her 
cleaning the house.

She wears a tight bandage on her right hand and wrist. It ends half way up her wrist/forearm.

She cleans for a while, then pauses to admire her hand. She likes the feel of the bandage but perhaps it is not 
restrictive enough?

fade to black, fade in:

Now she has tape wound tightly and neatly all around the bandaged hand. The tape is winding in a long criss-cross 
pattern all around the hand bandage, finishing at the wrist. She is pleased with the effect, and carries on with her 

Again she stops to enjoy the look of her bandaged hand in the mirror. It’s nice, but perhaps it needs more tape?

fade to black, fade in:

Now there is lots more tape around her hand, and her fingers are taped together in pairs. The tape is very neat, and 
we can still see her painted nails.

She is pleased with this heavy wrapping, and carries on doing housework with her taped and bandaged hand and fingers.

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